Munising Memorial Hospital/Dr. Donald and Alice Fahrbach Scholarship
The Munising Memorial Hospital Association is proud to announce the Munising Memorial Hospital/Dr. Donald and Alice Fahrbach Scholarship. This $1500 award will be presented to a graduating senior in Alger County who is pursing education in a healthcare related field.
The Scholarship was established from funds donated by Dr. Donald and Alice Fahrbach’s trust. Additional funding comes from dues paid by the Munising Memorial Hospital Association.
Our hope is that the scholarship will help pave the way for our local Youth to become the literal lifelines of our community and others like us. If you would like to contribute to the scholarship funding or make a general donation, please visit our donation page. Our community is your community. Help shape the future of healthcare in it! Join us today!
Scholarship applications can be found at the link below or can be obtained at the hospital from Human Resources Director, Robin Bergamasco. If you have questions or would like any additional information on the MMHA or the Scholarship, please contact Robin at 906-387-0602 or email her at